Government Calls for Year Round Focus On Earthquakes
The Minister of Local Government and Community Development has announced the Government’s plans to focus on earthquake awareness and preparedness all year round to ensure the country is in a state of readiness.
“With the frequency of earthquakes in the region and the proximity of the most recently recorded quakes to the island, this administration acknowledges that the ever present threat of earthquakes needs to be tackled with a similar ever present state of awareness. While we have traditionally focused on earthquake awareness at the beginning of the year in January, the conversation needs to be year-round,” portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, told JIS News.
The Minister stated that the Government will focus on the state of readiness of major players for any eventualities in particular, earthquakes. Among these are the Jamaica Constabulary Force, Jamaica Fire Brigade, Jamaica Defence Force, Ministry of Health and Wellness and the country’s disaster management agency, the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management.
The Minister said there will be a public awareness campaign with a series of symposiums, public engagement and high-level conversations to keep the matter in the forefront of the minds of the people.
Citizens are being encouraged to remain in a constant state of readiness by practicing emergency drills, learning the ‘Drop, Cover, Hold’ earthquake response and having emergency kits and plans in place for businesses and places of residence.