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Jamaica Set to Benefit From CD$23 Million Regional Local Economic Development Project

Jamaica’s local government system has the opportunity to benefit over the next six years from a C$23 million regional local economic development project of which $18.9m will be a contribution from the Government of Canada through CIDA.
 This information was provided to the Minister of Local Government and Community Development, Hon. Noel Arscott at his office recently during a visit by an inception mission led by Programme Director, Dr. Naresh Singh. He was accompanied by Miss Sekeywi Carruthers, Project Manager of CIDA. During the inception phase of the programme, six (6) countries will be selected to be the initial beneficiaries in the first three (3) years of the programme.
In his welcoming remarks, Minister Arscott expressed his endorsement of the project noting that it coincides with the government’s thrust in promoting a community based approach to economic growth and job creation as a key strategy in revitalizing local governance.
The Minister in his capacity as Chairman of the Caribbean Forum of Local Government Ministers (CFLGM) added that he was extremely pleased with the timeliness of the project as the CFLGM had played a pivotal role in the development of this project.