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The Ministry of Local Government & Community Development, and indeed the entire local government fraternity, is deeply saddened by the passing of His Worship, the Mayor, Mr.  George Lee.
Mr. Lee, who was serving his second stint as Mayor of Portmore, was the first elected Mayor of the 10 year old Municipality. He was first elected Mayor in 2003, and again in 2012.  He also served as councillor for Greater Portmore North Division in the St Catherine Parish Council for 4 years and 10 months from September 10, 1998.
Minister of Local Government & Community Development, the Honourable Noel Arscott says that Jamaica has lost an effective and dedicated public servant who was committed to the ideal of governance by the people.
His colleagues in the Portmore Municipal Council describe him as a strong leader, who was very serious about the work of the Council and his vision for Portmore.   In both his terms as Mayor, Mr. Lee engaged the Portmore Citizens Advisory Council (PCAC) to ensure the practice of effective citizens’ participation was reflected in the governance of the Municipality. Mayor Lee sought to ensure that there was full transparency and accountability in all policy matters of the Council, and that all citizens groups were informed and involved in the development of medium and long term strategic initiatives for Portmore.
He played a critical role in the programmes and projects of the Social Development Commission, twinning arrangements between the Municipality and  local and international development partners as well as building partnerships with public and private entities. He was also a major proponent of issues related to citizen safety and security having led the establishment of Portmore’s Parish Safety & Security Committee (PSSC) in partnership with the Ministry and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
George Lee will be remembered for his unstinting service to local government and as an indisputable champion and lead negotiator for the development of the Portmore Municipality, an advocate for the transformation of local government, good governance, and a crusader for the sustainable development of Portmore. The Citizens of Portmore in general, and the PCAC in particular, have therefore lost a key advocate for the positive transformation of their communities.
 The Ministry extends condolences to his wife, Anita and family, the staff and political directorate of the Council, citizens of Portmore, the members of the local government family and those who are affected by this loss and wishes for all God’s comfort during this time of bereavement.