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Local Government fraternity mourns the loss of Professor Rex Nettleford

– A strong voice of local democracy.

On behalf of the local government fraternity, it is with deep regret that we mourn the passing of one of Jamaica’s erudite minds and committed stalwart of local democracy.

Professor Rex Nettleford is best remembered by us for his unwavering commitment towards the deepening of democracy at the local level in the quest for good governance through the citizens’ participation model.

Such was his commitment to the cause for the betterment of local governance that he gave exemplary leadership to the guidance of the process by spearheading the, National Advisory Council (NAC) on local government reform; a task he performed unselfishly leading to the publication of the NAC Report, often referred to as the local government reform ‘roadmap’.
We celebrate his work and thank him for his legacy of leadership that he brought to the discussions and consultations in enhancing Jamaica’s local government reform process.

To his family, friends, well-wishers and all of Jamaica the local government fraternity through our fourteen (14) Local Authorities pray that the hands of the Almighty will comfort us all in this time of bereavement.

Statement by the Hon. Robert Montague
Minister of State
Office of the Prime Minister