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Local Government To Allocate J$40 Million For Drought Relief

Residents of communities severely affected by prevailing drought conditions in Manchester, St. Elizabeth, Westmoreland and Hanover, will soon have their water access difficulties alleviated by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development.

J$40 million will be made available to provide potable water in this regard.

The disclosure was made today by portfolio Minister, Hon. Desmond McKenzie, who noted that the Ministry’s initiative will support the national drought relief effort. “Our efforts as a Ministry will complement the primary response being carried out by the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation, under which the subject of Water falls. The Ministry of Local Government and Community Development has the responsibility for minor water supply, and so we are proceeding, based on the information provided to us by the Municipal Corporations, to provide water in these parishes.”

The Minister explained that rainfall has been particularly scarce in central, southern and western Jamaica, and stated that the Ministry is not only committed to periodic initiatives to provide water, but to the implementation of creative, lasting solutions for people in drought-stricken communities.

“That is why the pilot of the Water Shop was launched at Pennants in Clarendon, with the aim of having a constant supply of water at a properly managed facility within the community. The intention is to replicate this in as many affected communities as possible, so that the seasonal difficulties that residents experience will ultimately be a thing of the past.”


Communications Unit
