Ministry participates in Vision 2030 Goal setting exercise
The Ministry participated in a vision 2030 governance sector group seminar at the Terra Nova Hotel on Wednesday October 3, 2012. The objective of the seminar was to develop the next set of medium term goals for the sector.
The seminar, led by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) included a wide cross section of stakeholders who met to assess the Vision 2030 medium term goals for 2009-2012. The group collected and examined data to determine what has been achieved, what needs to be changed and what is to be done going forward.
Three workshops were convened during the session; Local Governance, Public Sector Modernization and Equity. At of the day priority issues and actions were established for further development by the PIOJ. The PIOJ will be consulting with the Local Government Ministry, which houses the governance thematic group, during the refinement process.
Participants in the workshop included the Social Development Commission, Jamaicans for Justice, the Cabinet Office, the UNDP, the Dispute Resolution Foundation and others.