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Trench Town Fire Station Reopens: Task force formed to look at needs of Fire Stations Islandwide

Minister of State Hon Colin Fagan announced the formation of a Task Force to look at addressing the needs of the Jamaica Brigade. The Honourable Minister made this announcement, at the re-opening of the Jamaica Fire Brigade station at Trench Town on December 20, 2012.
The Trench Town Fire station was closed after it was discovered that the roof contained asbestos.   With the Ministry of Local Government leading the way on this collaborative effort between the Jamaica Fire Brigade and civil society, the Trench Town Fire Station also underwent electrical, plumbing, floor and window repairs before it was reopened after being closed for several months.
In his address Minister Fagan highlighted the vital service that firefighters give to the nation and commended their efforts to do so under undesirable conditions.   As a result, he voiced the Ministry’s commitment to improving the working conditions of firefighters.
The Minister also acknowledged the contribution of Quality Dealers Ltd. who assisted by providing materials to refurbish the Fire Station and Mr. Gregory Cato who volunteered his roofing expertise. The Minister also commended the Brigade’s building officers for their keen oversight of the project.   The Minister revealed that this collaborative effort seen at Trench Town was also replicated in the refurbishing process of the Santa Cruz Fire Station, thus signaling the success of Local Governance at the local level.

This project was carefully monitored by the Ministry of Local Government and Community Development to ensure that it was, kept in budget, completed in accordance to the Brigades Standards, Government of Jamaica Procurement Guidelines, and the regulations of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation (KSAC), and the National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA).