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Local Government commences its energy saving initiative

The Ministry’s energy management initiative which Minister Noel Arscott has consitently touted has began with the installation of ten (10) solar light emitting diode (LED) fixtures  in the community of Osbourne Store Clarendon on Tuesday January 8, 2013.

The installation of these lights forms part of a larger project resulting from an Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Ministry and Green Energy RG LLC, a US based energy management company, to test alternate energy mechanisms within the Ministry’s offices and other Local Government facilities.

Addressing the media on location in Clarendon, Minister Arcott stated that the installtion of 5,000 LED lights should be completed by mid year after which an evaluation of the results would be done; the expectation is a twenty percent (20%) reduction in the Government’s streetlight bills. Areas to benefit from these LED lights are sections of Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Catherine and Clarendon.

Minister Arscott also announced that Green RG will be setting up a factory here in Jamaica to manufacture these light panels, thus providing jobs for the country.