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Minister Endorses Twinning of Portmore with German City

Members of the Portmore Municipal Council accompanied representatives from the city of Hagen located in Germany on a courtesy call on the Minister of Local Government & Community Development on Tuesday, February 28, 2013. The German contingent, which consisted of the Deputy Mayor Dr. Christian Schmidt and two engineers, briefed Minister Arscott on their plans to twin with the Portmore Municipality in order to promote best practices between both cities in relation to climate change.

Both cities had agreed to cooperate within the framework of a project entitled “50 Municipal Climate Partnerships by 2015”. This agreement resulted from a Memorandum of Understanding with Engagement Global/Service Agency Communities in one World for Partnership in Climate Change, which seeks to establish a foundation for cities to collaborate with a view to develop best practices with respect to climate change.

The Minister was told of the activities that will be undertaken by the Hagen team during their one week visit.   These activities include identifying projects with the potential for renewable energy, green houses and other best practices. Min. Arscott was thrilled that through the municipal’s initiative they are the only English speaking Local Authority that is partnering in this climate change project.
The term ‘twin’ refers to links being formed between two cities with a view to have citizens share cultural and social activities and understanding. The link between twinned cities also allows economic co-operation which is mutually beneficial.