Public Hand-Washing Stations to Be Installed Across Jamaica As Government And Digicel Partner To Fight Covid-19
As the Government continues to implement strategies to contain COVID-19, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Desmond McKenzie has announced that hand-washing stations will be installed in selected public spaces across Jamaica. He made the announcement today, at an official ceremony to mark the handing-over by Digicel Jamaica of 100 hand-washing stations to promote effective cleansing habits. The first installed station is now located at the entrance to the Golden Age Home in Kingston. The Minister noted that the placement of that hand-washing station is significant, as while visits to Infirmaries and Golden Age Homes are still prohibited, essential care workers and other service providers are subject to strict disease prevention protocols.
“A hand-washing station will be installed at Cross Roads. In addition, there will be a hand-washing station at every Municipal Corporation building, and at every Infirmary. This is a tremendous expression of what is possible when there is partnership between government at all levels and the private sector. Digicel continues to be a reliable and innovative partner, and a great corporate citizen. This Government has shown that it is active and acting against the COVID-19 pandemic, but it can’t do it alone. In doing this, Digicel has shown its cognizance that the pandemic is no respecter of persons, and that we are all in this fight together.
The Local Government and Rural Development Minister also specially recognized the Department and Agency of the Ministry, the Board of Supervision (BOS) and the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) respectively, for their front-line efforts in working will all levels of Government to control COVID-19. He also appealed for care to be taken to preserve the foot-operated devices, as members of the public get accustomed to their presence around the country.